What can I use instead of
face wash?
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Many people have sensitive skin. If you apply commercial face cleanser on your skin your skin may break out. This is because face cleansers have harsh chemicals in them like SLS (sodium Laureth sulfate), alcohol, dyes, additives & parabens. All of these ingredients are found in face cleansers. These are not harmful to humans but they are not great for the skin. So you’re wondering what you can use instead of these harsh face cleansers. Well, there are many natural ingredients that you can use which in the long term have amazing benefits for your skin whilst keeping your face clean.
Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a light oil so it is not heavy on the skin and is easy to wash off with just water. Coconut oil has many natural properties such as anti-bacterial properties, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory & anti-fungal properties. It is also high in vitamin e, which is used in beauty products for its anti-aging properties.
How to use?
First, wash face with Luke warm water to open the cuticles of the skin
Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on your face apply all over and massage in a circular motion. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Then wash off with lukewarm water. That’s all!!
You may not need to moisturize after this because the coconut oil would have sufficiently moisturized your skin after this treatment.
We recommend you don't do this every day instead do this 3 times a week. One the days you are not doing this treatment we recommend you use lemon juice instead.
Natural skin cleanser
Looking for a skin cleanser that is backed by science using only natural cold-pressed ingredients? Without parabens, additives or preservatives? You've got one. Our skin cleanser uses activated charcoal, tea tree, rosemary, olive oil. All of which cleanse, repair, hydrate your skin.
Natural lemon juice

So you may have realized we say “natural” lemon juice. This is because natural lemon juice only comes from fresh lemons. Bottled lemon juice is preserved with additives. It also gets rid of the enzymes in lemon which can be found naturally in freshly squeezed lemon.
Lemon is a citrus fruit and is therefore high in vitamin c which is a natural antioxidant that keeps free radicals at bay. It also has been used as an antiseptic which can kill off bacteria deep in skin pores. Applying lemon juice to the skin will also help rebalance the skin’s natural PH which can often be disturbed by-products we use on a daily basis.
How to use?
Squeeze half a lemon
Wash face with lukewarm water to open up the cuticles of the skin
Apply the lemon juice to the skin. This may sting if you have cuts or spots so be careful
Rub the lemon juice on the skin in a circular motion. Do this for 30 seconds – 1 minute.
Wash off with lukewarm water.
We recommend you do this 3 times a week or even 2 times. This will help cleanse your skin of debris, dirt, and grease. After washing skin with lemon juice, we recommend you moisturize normally as you would.
Activated charcoal

You have probably heard of the natural abilities of charcoal for skin, teeth, and face. Activated charcoal has the ability to pull in debris and dirt. This is great for the skin because the skin is full of micro-holes known as cuticles, this essential allows our skin to breathe. These cuticles get blocked up and this may lead to spots forming.
Charcoal helps pull dirt from deep within the pores which normal cleansers may not be able to get to. Our natural face cleanser also uses this amazing ingredient including three other natural ingredients that have scientifically been proven to help kill bacteria & lead to better, healthier skin. Zero parabens, preservative or additives & plastic-free with 10% going to Weforest a non-profit organization planting trees all around the world to curb global warming. Why not have a look at our natural skin cleanser here.
How to use?
In order to use charcoal, you need activated charcoal which can be brought from online stores such as amazon.
Wash face with lukewarm water.
Apply a small amount of activated charcoal to the skin and rub in, in a circular motion. Do this for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Wash off as normal with lukewarm water. We recommend you do this once a week.
Natural skin cleanser
Looking for a skin cleanser that is backed by science using only natural cold-pressed ingredients? Without parabens, additives or preservatives? You've got one. Our skin cleanser uses activated charcoal, tea tree, rosemary, olive oil. All of which cleanse, repair, hydrate your skin.
Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary is an essential oil which has many natural properties such as anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory & antiseptic properties. These properties make rosemary a great skin cleanser as it kills common bacteria on the face which can cause inflammation which appears as spots or acne. It also stimulates blood flow which can help combat aging and boost collagen production.
How to use?
Wash face with lukewarm water
Apply 1-2 drops of rosemary (we recommend you use rosemary with a carrier oil such as coconut oil)
Rub in a circular motion for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
We recommend you do this treatment 2-3 times a week you can combine this with the coconut oil and use it as one treatment.
So here it is 4 ingredients that you can use instead of a commercial face wash. In order to see results, we recommend consistent use of at least 4 weeks. Your skin will need to get used to some of these ingredients and this may take some time so be patient. Also, people with sensitives skin are advised to test all ingredients or skin products before try. This can be done by doing a patch test. Apply the ingredient on your skin and if you get a reaction do not use.
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